The classification of frequencies in the γ Doradus/δ Scuti hybrid star HD 49434

Hybridstarsofthe γ Doradusand δ Scutipulsationtypeshavegreatpotentialforasteroseismic analysis to explore their interior structure. To achieve this, mode identifications of pulsational frequencies observed in the stars must be made, a task which is far from simple. In this work we begin the analysis by scrutinizing the frequencies found in the CoRoT photometric satellite measurements and ground-based high-resolution spectroscopy of the hybrid star HD 49434. Theresultsshowalmostnoconsistencybetweenthefrequenciesfoundusingthetwotechniques and no characteristic period spacings or couplings were identified in either data set. The spectroscopic data additionally show no evidence for any long-term (5 yr) variation in the dominant frequency. The 31 spectroscopic frequencies identified have standard deviation profiles suggesting multiple modes sharing (l, m )i n theδ Scuti frequency region and several skewed modes sharing the same (l, m )i n theγ Doradus frequency region. In addition, there is a clear frequency in the γ Doradus frequency region that appears to be unrelated to the others. We conclude HD 49434 remains a δ Scuti/γ Doradus candidate hybrid star but more sophisticatedmodelsdealingwithrotationaresoughttoobtainaclearpictureofthepulsational
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