Narratives About Football Hooliganism in Brazil: (De)constructing the Label “Violent Supporter”

This chapter aims to contribute to the understanding of the construction process of the “violent supporter” category through the analysis of news reports, government reports, laws, and academic productions. In carrying out this analysis, I argue that the texts, figures, and images that form the narratives conveyed in these materials often contribute to convert the football violence phenomenon into a thing, into something objective, regardless of an observer. I also show that these narratives convey the myth of non-violence, which makes one believe that the relationships established in the football universe are essentially peaceful. Moreover, I indicate that this idea leads to the stigmatization of fans (seen as) violent, legitimating, among other things, the expansion of criminal punishment. I also argue that the label of violence is attached mainly to a specific group: organized fans. Finally, I discuss some logical and social consequences of this stigmatization, such as the legitimization of the control of these fans and their exclusion from the decision-making bodies of the football spectacle organization.
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