Super resolution plasmonic imaging microscopy for submicron tracking emulsion detector.

NIT is a super fine-grained nuclear emulsion which has a detection capability for ionizing particle with nanometric resolution and record the track by a line of silver nanograin with a various of shape and size. The particle tracks need to be read out by some microscopic techniques, here we focused on the optical response of silver nanograins to realize the readout method beyond the diffraction limit. In this paper, super-resolution plasmonic imaging microscopy (SPRIM), which utilized the polarization-dependent optical response due to Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance (LSPR) was developed. The spatial resolution of SPRIM to identify the nanograin position was achieved 5 nm. We showed that the SPRIM clearly discriminated the 100 keV carbon ions tracks with the mean range of 270 nm from single nanograins with the diameter of 60 nm.The recognition efficiency of 100 keV carbon track was 49 % and the angular resolution was 17 degree.
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