Teilhaben und Beteiligen auf Quartiersebene [Participation and engagement at the neighbourhood level]

Based on an empirical case study, the book deals with possible participatory structures with older people in urban social spaces. This refers to both real and digital structures that help older people to participate in and participate in coexistence in their neighborhood for as long as possible. In practical terms, the book presents the wide range of participatory design of age-integrated socio-spatial structures. The book is a result of the subproject "participation model" within the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and development project "Older people as (co-) producers of neighborhood networks in the Ruhrgebiet (QuartiersNETZ)". Participatory, the project has developed concepts and created real and digital structures for the urban society of long and good life. Above all, the book focuses on the neighborhood as a special level of participation and its significance for the everyday lives of older people. The focus is on various forms of participation, on the actors involved, on possibilities for e-participation and on the intended linking of local democracy with forms of participation and participation in the neighborhood. The limits of participation as well as possibilities of continuity are also discussed.
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