Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Pengembangan Budidaya Perikanan Air Payau di Kabupaten Mimika

This study is aimed to evaluate land resource characteristics and to determine land use plan for superior commodities based on the land suitability classification in order to develop estuarine aquaculture and fishing activities in six districts of Mimika Regency. Methods applied to collect data are observation and interview techniques. The collected data is analysed using land suitability evaluation with actual quantitative classification as well as landuse suitability potential.Generally, the water quality of the estuarine at all locations is under the threshold standard for aquatic biota. Analysis of land suitability in Kokonao, Atuka, and Wania (SPT 3) shows that these areas are categorised as landuse suitability potential of class S2 (suitable enough) with high rainfall and enhancement of organic matter supplies act as the limiting factors. The suitability of water quality and biological aspects are also important to support the improvement of fishing techniques.Fishery commodities, which are potential to be developed in the SPT 3 area, are ikan kakap, ikan bandeng, ikan baronang, kepiting bakau dan udang windu. Aquaculture Methods which can be applied based on the physical conditions of the land over study area are wanamina (silvofishery), floating net-karamba, and bottom cages.
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