Mechanism of transcription modulation by the transcription-repair coupling factor

Elongation by RNA polymerase is extensively modulated by accessory factors. The transcription-repair coupling factor (TRCF) recognizes distressed RNAPs and either rescues transcription or initiates transcription termination. Precisely how TRCFs choose to execute either outcome remains unclear. With Escherichia coli as a model, we used single-molecule assays to study dynamic modulation of elongation by Mfd, the bacterial TRCF. We found that nucleotide-bound Mfd chaperones the elongation complex (EC) into a catalytically active state, presenting the EC with an opportunity to restart transcription. After long-lived residence in this catalytically poised state, ATP hydrolysis by Mfd remodels the EC through an irreversible process leading to loss of the RNA transcript. Further, electron cryo-microscopy revealed that the motor domain of Mfd binds and partially melts DNA containing a template strand overhang. The results explain pathway choice determining the fate of the elongation complex and provide a molecular mechanism for transcription modulation by TRCF.
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