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Conjugacy Classes of Renner Monoids

In this paper we describe conjugacy classes of a Renner monoid $R$ with unit group $W$, the Weyl group. We show that every element in $R$ is conjugate to an element $ue$ where $u\in W$ and $e$ is an idempotent in a cross section lattice. Denote by $W(e)$ and $W_*(e)$ the centralizer and stabilizer of $e\in \Lambda$ in $W$, respectively. Let $W(e)$ act by conjugation on the set of left cosets of $W_*(e)$ in $W$. We find that $ue$ and $ve$ ($u, v\in W$) are conjugate if and only if $uW_*(e)$ and $vW_*(e)$ are in the same orbit. As consequences, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the conjugacy classes of $R$ and the orbits of this action. We then obtain a formula for calculating the number of conjugacy classes of $R$, and describe in detail the conjugacy classes of the Renner monoid of some $\cal J$-irreducible monoids. We then generalize the Munn conjugacy on a rook monoid to any Renner monoid and show that the Munn conjugacy coincides with the semigroup conjugacy, action conjugacy, and character conjugacy. We also show that the number of inequivalent irreducible representations of $R$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero equals the number of the Munn conjugacy classes in $R$.
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