Megújulóenergia-felhasználás Magyarországon – a későn jövők előnye?

Magyarorszagon a megujuloenergia-felhasznalas tulnyomo reszben a biomasszara, azon belul is a haztartasok fűtesi celu tűzifa egetesere epul. Emiatt a megujulo celok teljesitese az elmult tizenot evben a kivant palyan mozgott a viszonylag mersekelt megujulo tamogatasi szint mellett is, elkerulhetőve teve a kezdetben magas koltsegű megujulo villamosenergia- termelő technologiak tamogatasat. A kozeljovőben azonban a tamogataspolitikanak fel kell keszulnie a szektor aktiv bővitesere. A tanulmany bemutatja a megujulo tamogatasi rendszer alakulasat a villamosenergia-, hőfelhasznalasi es kozlekedesi szektorokban az elmult 15 evben, es felhivja a figyelmet azokra a szabalyozasi elemekre, melyek jelenlegi formajukban gatoljak a megujuloenergia-termeles kornyezeti es gazdasagi szempontbol hatekony fejlődeset. ===== In Hungary, renewable energy consumption is predominantly biomass in the form of firewood for household heating. This stock has allowed the country to remain on track with its renewable target for the last fifteen years despite avoiding the promotion of what were relatively high-cost renewable electricity generation technologies. However, in the near future, the support policy must be reconsidered for the active expansion of the renewable sector. This study presents the evolution of the Hungarian renewable support system across electricity, heat and transport sectors over the last 15 years, and highlights regulatory cases which, in their current form, hinder the environmentally and economically efficient development of renewable energy production and consumption.
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