In-depth analyses of native N-linked glycans facilitated by high-performance anion exchange chromatography-pulsed amperometric detection coupled to mass spectrometry

Characterization of glycans present on glycoproteins has become of increasing importance due to their biological implications, such as protein folding, immunogenicity, cell-cell adhesion, clearance, receptor interactions, etc. In this study, the resolving power of high-performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection (HPAE-PAD) was applied to glycan separations and coupled to mass spectrometry to characterize native glycans released from different glycoproteins. A new, rapid workflow generates glycans from 200 μg of glycoprotein supporting reliable and reproducible annotation by mass spectrometry (MS). With the relatively high flow rate of HPAE-PAD, post-column splitting diverted 60% of the flow to a novel desalter, then to the mass spectrometer. The delay between PAD and MS detectors is consistent, and salt removal after the column supports MS. HPAE resolves sialylated (charged) glycans and their linkage and positional isomers very well; separations of neutral glycans are sufficient for highly reproducible glycoprofiling. Data-dependent MS2 in negative mode provides highly informative, mostly C- and Z-type glycosidic and cross-ring fragments, making software-assisted and manual annotation reliable. Fractionation of glycans followed by exoglycosidase digestion confirms MS-based annotations. Combining the isomer resolution of HPAE with MS2 permitted thorough N-glycan annotation and led to characterization of 17 new structures from glycoproteins with challenging glycan profiles.
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