Microcystins: biogenesis, toxicity, analysis and control.

Microcystins are cyclic peptide toxins formed by cyanobacteria. These toxins are recognized for their association with algal blooms, posing a significant threat to ecosystems and drinking water quality. Due to the growing environmental concerns they raise, a comprehensive review on microcystins' genesis, toxicity, and analytical methods for their quantitative determination is outlined. Genes, including the mcyABC cluster, regulate microcystin biogenesis. Bioanalytical experiments have identified key environmental factors, such as temperature and nitrogen availability, that promote microcystin production. Microcystin toxicity is explored based on its modulatory effects on protein phosphatases 1 and 2A in specific tissues and organs. Additionally, biochemical mechanisms of chelation, transportation, resultant oxidative stress, and tumor promotion abilities of microcystins are also discussed. Various analytical methods to separate, detect and quantify microcystins, including the quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and chromatographic platforms-linked tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS) for unequivocal structural identification are also reviewed. Since control of microcystins in water is of great necessity, both water treatment and mechanisms of abiotic transformation and microbial degradation are also discussed.
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