Sentidos e dificuldades de práticas curriculares de humanização.

O movimento de busca pelo desenvolvimento da formacao academica ancorada em atitudes positivas, no que tange os principios morais, eticos e solidarios, e um processo, nao apenas um momento pontual. Afirmando-se isso, expressamos a intencionalidade de refletir sobre os agentes e aspectos educacionais envolvidos na construcao e aprimoramento desta transformacao pedagogica. Considerando que este processo resulta das relacoes entre a organizacao curricular, os docentes e os discentes, e necessario refletir a respeito de como se estabelecem tais relacoes, identificar os pontos frageis e os ganhos ate aqui. Conhecer a percepcao dos docentes dos cursos de graduacao da area da saude com relacao aos sentidos da humanizacao e que angustias sao geradas acerca destes, pode trazer importantes elementos para reflexao, avaliacao, aperfeicoamento e adequacao das atividades e momentos proporcionados ao longo da graduacao. O objetivo da pesquisa foi identificar entre os docentes dos cursos de graduacao da area da saude da Universidade Comunitaria da Regiao de Chapeco, suas percepcoes sobre os sentidos e as dificuldades para o desenvolvimento da competencia atitudinal de humanizacao durante a formacao academica. A metodologia utilizada foi o Grupo de Discussao. Realizada analise atraves de Pesquisa Exploratoria Descritiva, com abordagem Qualitativa. Com a pesquisa foi possivel categorizar sentidos e angustias do grupo docente frente ao desenvolvimento da competencia atitudinal de humanizacao durante a formacao academica. A construcao de um espaco coletivo do conhecimento, de analise da realidade, de um confronto e troca de experiencias constitui-se unidades produtivas de conhecimentos a partir de uma realidade concreta, para serem transferidas a essa realidade a fim de transforma-la . ABSTRACT - The movement of the search for the development of academic formation anchored in positive attitudes with regard to moral, ethical and supportive principles is a process, and not just a one-off moment. With this affirmation, we express the intention to reflect on the agents and educational aspects involved in the construction and improvement of this pedagogical transformation. Taking into consideration that this process results from the relations within the curricular organization, the teachers, and the students, it is necessary to reflect on the way in which these relations are established, and identify the fragile aspects and the gains achieved so far. Knowing the perceptions of the teachers of the undergraduate courses in the era of health with regard to the meanings of humanization, and the distress that is generated by these, can bring important elements for reflection, evaluation, improvement and adaptation of the activities and moments offered throughout graduation. The objective of this research was to identify, among the teachers of undergraduate courses in the area of health at Universidade Comunitaria da Regiao de Chapeco, their perceptions of the meanings, and the difficulties faced in the development of a the attitudinal competence of humanization during the academic training. The methodology of discussion group was used. The analysis was conducted through descriptive exploratory research, with qualitative approach. Through this research, it was possible to categorize senses and distress of the teaching group in face of the development of the attitudinal competence of humanization during their academic training. The construction of a collective space of knowledge, analysis of the reality, confrontation, and exchange of experiences constitute productive units of knowledge, based on a concrete reality, to be transferred to this reality in order to transform it. Keywords: teachers; attitudinal competence; humanization.
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