Marginal Notes on the Armenian Translation of the Quaestiones et Solutiones in Genesin by Philo

Four years after having published the Armenian version of the Philonic treatise De Providentia together with Philo's De Animalibus , the same editor, Mekhitarist Father G. Batt. Aucher, published the Armenian translation of Philo's Quaestiones et solutiones in Genesin et Exodum together with those of other works by the same author. If the author compares the Armenian translation to the few extant Greek fragments, it is clear that the Armenian version of this work by Philo conveys the same quality of absolute fidelity to the original Greek text that can be found in the Armenian versions of the Philonic treatises still extant in Greek as well as in the other Armenian versions of the Yunaban Dproc' . The chapter examines a Homeric quotation that occurs in the text of the Quaestiones et solutiones in Genesin . Keywords:Armenian Translation; Homeric quotation; Philo; Philonic treatises; Quaestiones et solutiones
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