Le Alpi orientali come zona di transizione nel popolamento dei bembidini (Coleoptera, Carabidae)

Biogeographia vol. XXVI - 2005 (Pubblicato il 30 Dicembre 2005) Biogeografia delle A/pi e Prealpi centro-orientali Le Alpi orientali come zona di transizione nel popolamento dei bembidini (Coleoptera, Carabidae) PAOLO BONAVITA e AUGUSTO VIGNA TAGLIANTI Dzpaflimento dzq Biologizz Animale e dell ’Uomo (Zoologizz), Universitfiz dzq Roma qLa Sapienza ’: viale a'el[’Uni12er:z't2z, 32, [-001 85 Roma e-mail: zzugusto. vz'gmztag[ianti@uniromzzI . it; paolo. bomzz/itzz@uniromcz1.z't Key words: Bembidiina, threshold, faunistics, chorology SUMMARY The Faunistic transitional area of the Eastern Alps has a dynamic character, due to climatic and paleoclimatic factors. The aim of this work is to value the influence of this region on speciation and on the current distribution of Bembidiina. In Europe, there are 284 species ofBembidiina, of which 78 in the Central and Eastern Alps. Some raxa have been reviewed, and the following taxonomical changes are proposed: 1. Asap/2ia'ion nebulomm (P. Rossi, 179?.) upgraded to specific rank 2. Ocydronms (Eupegp/ms) tergluemir (Netolitzky, 1918) upgraded to specific rank 3. Ozydramus (0Lyturane:) praeustw (Dejean, 1831) confirmed synonymies with fizuueli Ganglbauer, 1891 and virz'dt_'flzms G. Miiller, 1929 4. Ocydromw (Peryp/aw) baenningeri (Netolilzky, 1926) upgraded to specific rank 5. Ocydromm (Neplm) genei (Kiister, 1847), politypic species, with 4 subspecies: genei, illigeri (Netolitzky, 1914), and two undescribed ones (Bonavita, 2005) 6. Sinec/Jostictus (Sine:/Jostirtw) tarricm (Peyton, 1858) upgraded to specific rank. About 50% of the Bembidiina species (37 species) Found in the Eastern Alps show in that area the limit of their distribution. We grouped them as follows. 1. The first group includes 6 species (Odontium argerzteolunz, Trepzme: scimppelii, Pkttap/ms prarinw, Otydromu: lummu, O. temzinalir, O. dzktingrtendzu) with northern aflinities and a wide distribution (Asiatic—European or Sibero- European or European). These species could have had an eastern origin, steppic and Frigophilous, and were able to colonize (or recolonize) central and northern Europe in postglacial periods, without any apparent phenomena of cladogenesis, even in the more southern areas (alpine and mediterranean). 2. The second group includes 12 species (Asap/Jidian zmstrizzcum, A. caraboides, Ocydromus complanatw, O. longiper, O. equer, O.fizlw'pe:, O. mgluensis, O. incognitus, 0. baenningeri, O. julianus, 0. magellemir, Sine:/Jortictw decoranu) with a Centraleuropean distribution, often mountain or alpine. Some of these could be considered recent endemics, Plio- Pleistocenic, after processes of speciation for isolation in separate alpine districts. O9/dromm eques, O. mzzgellensis e S. decaratu: also occur in the Appennines, with relict populations. The absence of these species From the Balkans is probably due to historical factors, linked to their origin and dispersion. 3. The third group includes 8 species with South European or Mediterranean afiinities. Four of these (Ocydromm bugvziani, O. andreae, O. mllarm, Sine:/Jortictw inuszm) have a more western distribution (with an eastern or north-eastern limit in this area) and the others (Memllimz splendida, Ocydromm milleri, O. balczznicus, Sine:/Jostictur millerimms) a more eastern one (with a western or north-western limit in this area). These elements underline the presence of a transitional area in the Karst, for lowland species, or between the Alps and the Dinaric Alps, For mountain species. These species are the result of processes of isolation and speciation in Mediterranean areas in different ages, from the Tertiary.
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