Factors Affecting the Employability of Higher National Diploma in Accountancy (HNDA) Holders of Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) in Sri Lanka

Employability of youth has emerged as a priority in every south Asian country. Policy makers and planners have come to the realization that skill are at the core of improving the employability of an individual and at the core of the countries’ growth and development. This study is focused on what is the factors influencing the employability in Sri Lanka. For the reason ten independent variables were taken under consideration to measure influences of these factor on dependent variable of employability. For analysis, primary and secondary data were collected through questioner. SPSS was used to analyze the data. A communication skill plays a significant role on salary, present position, experience, and professional status. As well as teamwork, skills also show a crucial role salary, present position, professional status, and graduation. Consequently, planning and organizing skills also play a role in salary, first Job finding time, professional status, and graduation. In addition, Integrity plays a major role on first job finding time, salary, and present position. Personality also links with salary. It has been proved that all diploma holders’ personal characteristics (age and gender) affect significantly at least one of the employability variables. Neverthe less, graduate gender and age specialty are the most important characteristics affecting nearly all these variables. SLIATE should implement employers’ skills requirement to strengthening their diploma holders’ skills.
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