Extended Superconformal Algebras from Classical and Quantum Hamiltonian Reduction

We consider the extended superconformal algebras of the Knizhnik-Bershadsky type with $W$-algebra like composite operators occurring in the commutation relations, but with generators of conformal dimension 1,$\frac{3}{2}$ and 2, only. These have recently been neatly classified by several groups, and we emphasize the classification based on hamiltonian reduction of affine Lie superalgebras with even subalgebras $G\oplus sl(2)$. We reveiw the situation and improve on previous formulations by presenting generic and very compact expressions valid for all algebras, classical and quantum. Similarly generic and compact free field realizations are presented as are corresponding screening charges. Based on these a discussion of singular vectors is presented. (Based on talk by J.L. Petersen at the Int. Workshop on "String Theory, Quantum Gravity and the Unification of the Fundamental Interactions", Rome Sep. 21-26, 1992)
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