Data encryption is a method where in the original text is converted to an intermediate, encrypted text called cipher text, using a key. The cipher text along with key can be used to get the original text using decryption. The ciphering technique that used in the following paper is AES. It is a type of symmetric cipher that shares the same key between the encoder and decoder. Cluster computing is a technique that creates small computer clusters in order to arrive at a solution to the problem. The strategy utilized here is known as "divide and conquer", with this strategy the given problem domain is broken into smaller parts and each of the smaller problems pose as a separate problem which can be then combined to arrive at a cumulative and generalized solution. With this paper we intend to combine the clustering mechanism with the encrypting and decrypting procedure that can lower the computation time and resources used by it significantly. Key words- Custer computing, Symmetric cipher, AES, Encryption, Decryption I. INTRODUCTION Data encryption holds at most significance in the modern era of internet. All the digital systems are prone to various kinds of attacks by malicious users. The attacks can be passive (The ones that aim at information extrusion from the system) or active (The ones that aim at hindering the function of the system). Passive attacks are very difficult to detect and resolve. Hence, encrypting systems have come up with a solution. The solution aims at representing the data in unreadable from (encryption) and the intended receiver can make sense of this data using a cipher key (decryption). AES is one of such encrypting methodology that uses a symmetric key sharing i.e., sharing of the same key between the sender and receiver. The encrypting procedure takes huge amounts of time, particularly the standards that use, more number of iterations during encryption and decryption. With cluster computing we aim at parallelizing this task by diving the given text based on the cluster size, encrypting these chunks of data as separate problems and combing these encrypted texts to give a general solution. In this paper we describe and evaluate a cluster system CC that integrates two or more multi-core CPUs, adequately, and works as an atomic model. Thus, increasing the efficiency of encryption and decryption process by certain folds.
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