Beyond the fibre: Resolved properties of SDSS galaxies

We have used the VIMOS integral field spectrograph to map the emission line properties in a sample of 24 star forming galaxies selected from the SDSS database. In this data paper we present and describe the sample, and explore some basic properties of SDSS galaxies with resolved emission line fields. We fit the Halpha+[NII] emission lines in each spectrum to derive maps of continuum, Halpha flux, velocity and velocity dispersion. The Halpha, Hbeta, [NII] and [OIII] emission lines are also fit in summed spectra for circular annuli of increasing radius. A simple mass model is used to estimate dynamical mass within 10 kpc, which compared to estimates of stellar mass shows that between 10 and 100% of total mass is in stars. We present plots showing the radial behaviour of EW[Halpha], u-i colour and emission line ratios. Although EW[Halpha] and u-i colour trace current or recent star formation, the radial profiles are often quite different. Whilst line ratios do vary with annular radius, radial gradients in galaxies with central line ratios typical of AGN or LINERS are mild, with a hard component of ionization required out to large radii. We use our VIMOS maps to quantify the fraction of Halpha emission contained within the SDSS fibre, taking the ratio of total Halpha flux to that of a simulated SDSS fibre. A comparison of the flux ratios to colour-based SDSS extrapolations shows a 175% dispersion in the ratio of estimated to actual corrections in normal star forming galaxies, with larger errors in galaxies containing AGN. We find a strong correlation between indicators of nuclear activity: galaxies with AGN-like line ratios and/or radio emission frequently show enhanced dispersion peaks in their cores, requiring non-thermal sources of heating. Altogether, about half of the galaxies in our sample show no evidence for nuclear activity or non-thermal heating.
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