Analysis of Mass Media: Influences on Socio-Political Perceptions and Stability in Pakistan

AbstractIn this essay theoretical description has been applied to explicate that the days of American Unilateralism are gone and now the other potential actors are catching up with American supremacy. American hegemony declared by advocates of hegemonic stability theory as indispensable for stable and prosperous world doesn't hold water anymore. Balance of power theory explains the balancing behavior triggered offby other rising powers when their interests are threatened by a single superpower. Power transition theory sounds out that now power is gradually shifting from West to East.Key Words: Hegemonic decline, hegemonic stability theory, balance of power theory, power transition theory, global power shiftIntroductionIn academia the decline of US hegemony is equally debated to China's rise. History is the witness that even the vast and mighty Empires like Persian Empire, Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, British Empire and Soviet Empire ultimately shattered to a number of independent states and couldn't stay forever as the most powerful actor in World politics. United States rose to the status of 'Superpower' in the aftermath of World War II and 'Hyper power' after the demise of Soviet Union. The era of Post Cold War is replete with 'American Unilateralism' and poor role played by international regimes who failed to check upon American unrestrained misadventure ranging from Vietnam, Afghan war (2002) and Iraq war (2003). These overextended commitments not only damaged US interests to the great extent but ignited Anti-Americanism all over the world. Rising Anti-Americanism across globe paved way for another powerful actor in international arena equivalent to United States. Another significant reason of rising powers to come up is logical balance of power against a unrestrained hyper-power to bring international order in a situation where major stake holder of international system can involve in global decision making to make world better and peaceful place to live in. Recent studies have proved America's relative decline and dwindling down American popularity even in Western Europe and rise of China may change the global order. It means that the power is gradually shifting from West to East which will ultimately change global order if not fully but partially.A Flawed Logic of Hegemonic Stability TheoryA.F K Organski coined the idea of "Hegemonic Stability Theory" in his famous work World Politics (1958).He explains that when a nation achieves hegemonic power and becomes dominant enough to practice its hegemonic policies on the other less powerful or weaker states then its hegemony is challenged by some other great or rising power. This situation may lead to a war or conflict between rising power and declining hegemon. Advocates of hegemonic stability theory support the idea of American predominance in world affairs and declare American hegemony an indispensable element for better, peaceful and prosperous world.In the mid 1970s Charles Kindleberger, Robert Gilpin and Stephen Krasner put forward similar descriptions for the patterns of international economic relations since nineteenth century. They viewed Britain as a hegemon in the late nineteenth century that provided stability and promoted liberalization in international economy. They found that the United States has been carrying out the similar policies after the first decade of World War II. All these scholars pinpointed the instability and stagnation of international economic relations during inter-war period as an absence of a hegemon who could maintain stability in the system. Britain lost its hegemonic status after the World War II and United States assumed the world leadership as a hegemon but these authors had already made a prediction about withering hegemony of United States in mid 1970s would cause greater instability and unrest in international politics (Web and Krasner, 1989:183). But United States retained the status of Hegemon till September 11,2001 terrorist attacks on American soil which targeted American heartland(New York and Washington D. …
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