Deletion 7q in uterine leiomyoma: fluorescence in situ hybridization characterization on primary cytogenetic preparations.

Deletions of the long arm of chromosome 7 constitute one of the most common clonal chromosomal changes associated with uterine leiomyoma cells. Recently, the molecular cytogenetic refinement of 7q deletions in two myoma-derived cell lines, with the use of a panel of 39 ordered 7q DNA probes corresponding to 87 genetic markers, showed results in line with those obtained by loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis. Referring to this panel, we extended fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis on primary cytogenetic preparations from three myomas with del(7q), thereby avoiding cell passages. This was fundamental in the maintenance of cells with del(7q) in the two cases showing mosaicism (i.e., the presence of an extra normal clone), which are prone to lose the abnormal clone in the very early passages. The data obtained, together with previously published findings on the two leiomyoma-derived cell lines, indicated a commonly deleted region of 11 cM. If the fact that the presence of normal cells may interfere with LOH analysis is taken into account, the FISH approach seems to be a reliable complementing tool for refining the deletion and analyzing the smallest overlapping region in cases with both normal and del(7q) cells.
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