Directional Recording of Subthalamic Spectral Power Densities in Parkinson's Disease and the Effect of Steering Deep Brain Stimulation

Background: A new 32-contacts deep brain stimulation (DBS) lead, capable of directionally steering stimulation, was tested intraoperatively. Objective: The aim of this pilot study was to perform recordings from the multidirectional contacts and to investigate the effect of directional current steering on the local field potentials (LFPs). Methods: In eight patients with Parkinson’s disease, after standard microelectrode recording and clinical testing, the new lead was temporarily implanted. The 32-channel LFP recordings were measured simultaneously at different depths and directions before and after directional stimulation. Results: The spatial distribution of LFPs power spectral densities across the contact array at baseline marked the borders of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) with a significant increase in beta power and with a mean accuracy of approximately 0.6 mm in four patients.The power in the 18.5e30 Hz frequency band varied across different directions in all patients. In the three cases that showed improvement of rigidity, this was higher when current was steered toward the direction with the highest LFP power in the beta band. Subthalamic LFPs in six patients showed a differential frequency-dependent suppression/ enhancement of the oscillatory activity in the 10e45 Hz frequency band after four different ‘steering’ modes as compared to ring mode, suggesting a higher specificity. Conclusions: Through a new 32-contact DBS lead it is possible to record simultaneous subthalamic LFPs at different depths and directions, providing confirmation of adequate lead placement and multidirectional spatial-temporal information potentially related to pathological subthalamic electrical activity and to the effect of stimulation. Although further research is needed, this may improve the efficiency of steering stimulation.
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