Emission characteristics of NOx, CO, NH 3 and VOCs from gas-fired industrial boilers based on field measurements in Beijing city, China

Abstract In the past decade, due to the management policies and coal combustion controls in Beijing, the consumption of natural gas has increased gradually. Nevertheless, the research on the emission characteristics of gaseous pollutants emitted from gas-fired industrial boilers, especially considering the influence of low nitrogen (low-NOx) retrofit policy of gas boilers, is scarcely. In this study, based on literature and field investigations, onsite measurements of NOx, CO, NH 3 and VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) emissions from gas-fired industrial boilers as well as the key factors that affected the emission of gaseous pollutants were discussed. Category-specific emission factors (EFs) of NOx, CO, NH 3 and VOCs were obtained from the field measurements of 1107 “low-NOx” retrofitted and unabated gas-fired industrial boilers. Our results showed that operating load and control measures were the two key factors affecting the formation of gaseous pollutants. The EFs of NOx (EF NOx ) and CO (EF CO ) of atmospheric combustion boilers (ACBs) were much higher than the EFs of chamber combustion boilers (CCBs). The total emissions of NOx, CO, NH 3 and VOCs from gas-fired industrial boilers in Beijing in the year of 2015 were estimated at 10489.6 t, 3272.8 t, 196.4 t and 235.4 t, respectively. Alkanes, BTEX, oxygenated VOCs and non-reactive organic matter were the four main chemical components of VOCs. As for the spatial distributions, the emissions of NOx, CO, NH 3 and VOCs from gas-fired industrial boilers in Beijing were predominantly concentrated in central six urban districts. In the future, more detailed investigation and field tests for all kinds of gas-fired industrial boilers are still greatly needed to achieve more reliable estimations of atmospheric pollutants from gas-fired industrial boilers.
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