Dynamique de la population du chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra) dans la région de la Dôle de 1962 à 1987

After the disappearance of the chamois, Rupicapra rupicapra, from the Jura mountains, the recolonization of the species began in the 19th century and was reinforced by a few reintroductions. In the area of La Dole, the first observations were made at the end of the fifties. The study is concerned with observations made between 1962 and 1987, in the massif of La Dole, in a region situated between La Pointe de Fin Château and the south-west of La Dole. Analyzing the sum of the annual maxima of individuals belonging to each category of age and sex on the one hand, and the influence of hunting which has been allowed since 1975 on the other, it is possible, using a growth factor of 0.13 without taking into account the other factors influencing the dynamics of the population, to estimate the lynx predation at something over two individuals, on an average per annum.
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