O papel do Senai na empregabilidade dos egressos dos cursos técnicos: um estudo sobre a visão dos diretores das escolas de Pernambuco

Changes in the world of work, originating mainly from the industrial-technological revolution, fostered profound changes in the organization of the production process in the context of globalization and, therefore, major changes in order to prepare for the labor market. The workers' skills and training of the workforce to prominence and, therefore, emerges a flexibility and instability of formal employment. The threat of unemployment in an unregulated labor markets and unstable gives it bargaining power (and / or enforcement) in relation to the forms and working conditions. Based on this understanding, there is a provision in the growth of the challenges that test the ability of the professional requiring more preparation, because this new standard requires you to quality, flexibility and productivity to remain employable. In this context, this research sought to study the concept of employability and how vocational education can be a key element in increasing the employability. To this end, we carried out a study with the SENAI-PE interviewing directors of the units and doing an analysis of the results of the research quality of the institution to the students. The study sought to understand the perceptions of directors about the concept of employability such as SENAI and may promote increased capacity and what are its limitations, later comparing the understanding of directors with the students' perception. For these purposes, consisted of a qualitative research, for which they were all directors of the SENAI units - PE and was made use of internal documentation. We analyzed how the concept of employability is embedded in discourses of research subjects. It was observed on the part of managers to confirm the requirement of professionals more creative, agile, prepared / trained and flexible to market demand, reaffirming a latent discourse in everyday life that propagates flexibility in vocational training for employability among students, is clear that the speech serves as an enabler of employability, allowing to infer that the identity that these young workers are building reaffirms the idea of consumption of qualifications / certification, seeking their own insertion in the labor market, but there was disagreement about the role of the SENAI -PE in increasing the employability.
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