Importance of health assessments for conservation in noncaptive wildlife.

Wildlife health assessments help identify populations at risk of starvation, disease, and decline from anthropogenic impacts on natural habitats. Here, we provide an overview of available health assessment studies in non-captive vertebrates, and propose a framework to strategically integrate health assessments in population monitoring. Using a systematic approach, we performed a thorough assessment of studies examining multiple health parameters of non-captive vertebrate species from 1982 to 2020 (n = 261). We quantified trends in study design and diagnostic methods across taxa. We found a spatial mismatch between biodiversity hotspots and study location. Only 35% of studies involved international or cross-border collaboration. IUCN Red List non-threatened species represented 49% of species assessed, a trend likely associated with the regional focus of most studies. We identified a critical need for using statistically adequate sample sizes for studies establishing reference ranges, and strongly suggest following strict protocols when planning the study design. The main health assessment methods used across all taxa were blood analysis (89%), body composition assessment methods (81%), physical examination (72%) and faecal analysis (24% of studies). Based on our findings, we propose a conceptual framework for improved design and standardization for quality wildlife health assessments. Integrating a physiological and ecological understanding of species resilience towards threatening processes will enable informed decision making regarding the conservation of threatened species. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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