One kind of the electric actuator calligraphy paper

The present invention relates to an electric actuator calligraphy paper, the case includes a left arm, right arm case, telescopic rod, a signal receiver, a motor, a crossbar connection, clip, rope connection, remote control, paper clip; disposed in the upper left arm left text book case, the extendable rod disposed in the case of the left arm of the vertically downward side, the left side of the telescopic rod and the arm case by a screw connection; one-piece structure disposed signal receiver in the motor telescopic rod the lower surface of the recess of the telescopic rod gear on the motor into engagement; disposed at the upper right arm the right text book case connected to the connecting bar disposed smallest hole cross-section of the end of the telescopic rod; rope connecting two ends are wound around the telescopic rod connected to and substantially parallel to the cross bar; remote control placed on one side of the book case; paperclip disposed on the connecting bar.
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