Cortical mechanisms underlying tactile discrimination in the monkey. I. Role of primary somatosensory cortex in passive texture discrimination

1. The discharge patterns of 359 single neurons in the hand representation of primary somatosensory cortex (SI) of two monkeys (Macaca mulatta) were recorded during the performance of a passive texture discrimination task with the contralateral hand (104 in area 3b, 149 in area 1, and 106 in area 2). Three nyloprint surfaces were mounted on a drum that was rotated under the digit tips. One surface was entirely smooth, whereas the other two were smooth over the first half and rough over the second half (smooth/ rough) (raised dots, 1 mm high and 1 mm diam, in a rectangular array; spatial period of 3 mm across the rows and columns for most recordings; 9 mm between columns for selected recordings). The monkeys were trained to distinguish between the smooth and smooth/rough surfaces. After the surface presentation, the monkey indicated the texture of the second half of the surface by pushing or pulling, respectively, on a lever with the other arm. For most recordings an average tangential speed of 49 mm/s was...
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