La colonización del bosque lluvioso tropical centro-africano

Rnsuwniv.-La distribuciony extensiondeselvasy sabanashan osciladociclicamentedesdeel PliocenoFinal hasta la actualidad,especialmente duranteel Pleistoceno, por lo quela ocupaciondel bosquelluvioso tropical ha variado enormemente encada epoca.Aunquela viabilidad y cronologiadela colonizacioninicial de las selvasde la Cuencadel Zaire soncuestiones controvertidas,creemosquesusecuenciacultural estan antigua comola deAfrica Oriental oMeridional En terminosarqueologicospredecimosquelos enclavesocupados enfases hipotermalesson resultadodeexplotacionmixta de ambitosdesabanay selva.En consecuencia su dispersion afectaa toda lafranja ecuatoriaLAquellos otros lugaresparalelos al reestablecimiento gran escalade la masaforestal selocalizarian enel cinturon penferico boscosoasociadosa episodiosderecuperacion termicay pluvial. El nucleo interno dela selvapermaneceriasin colonizar hastaqueenel HolocenoSuperior productoresy cazadores-recolectores subsistenenel mismo,graciasal manejoconjuntodel ecosisrema. Aasm4a. - T/:edistribution and extensionof tropicalramforestsandsavannas haveoscillatedcyclically from theLatePliocene todate,especially duringthePleistocene, for whichritehumanoccupation of riteram foresihasvariedgreatlyin tite past Eventhougit ihe viabilitv and chronologyof tite minal colonisation of tite Zaire Basin s rainforesis are controversialtopics,1believethatits culturalsequence isosoidastiteoneexisring in Easternano’SouthernAfrica. In archaeologicaltemis it is expectedthai tite sites titat wereoccupied titroughouthypothermalsiages.vould be tite result of a rnixedexploitationof savannaano’rainforesi environmenis.In consequence. its dispersionaffecrstite entire equatorial regio?:.Titoseotiter locationsparallel to tite re-establishment of titeforest to a wider scale, would belocatedwititin tite peripheric belt andwould beassociated wirh episodesof ihermal andpluvial recuperation.Titeinternal nucleusof tite ramforest would beuninhabited until Late Holocenetimes, during whichfarmers and itunter-gathererssubsist in it thanks to tite co-management of tite ecosystem. P~q±anJv~s CMiu: Selva.Sabana,Coloitizacion,Explotacion mixta, Periferia. Nucleo,Africa Central ICsrWonns:Rainforesi. Sava,tna.Colonisation,Mixed exploitation. Periphery.Core,CentralAfrica.
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