A Preliminary Risk Assessment of Human Exposure to Phycotoxins in Shellfish: A Review

ABSTRACT Over the past few decades, phycotoxins, secondary metabolites produced by toxic phytoplankton, have seen an increase in their frequency, concentrations, and geographic distribution. As shellfish accumulate phycotoxins making them unfit for human consumption, they are considered as an important food safety issue. Thus, a consumer exposure assessment on phycotoxins is necessary. Exposure assessment requires two types of information: contamination and consumption data. Shellfish contamination data on major toxins encountered by at-risk populations (Domoic Acid group, Okadaic Acid group, and Saxitoxin group) have been reviewed. Consumption data have been reviewed for both general and potential high-consumer populations. Then, we undertook acute and chronic exposure assessments, combining available French contamination data and our own consumption data. Studies including exposure assessment were then reviewed. Lastly, risk characterization was undertaken. It can be concluded that both acute and chroni...
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