Elevated Monoamine Oxidase A Binding During Major Depressive Episodes Is Associated with Greater Severity and Reversed Neurovegetative Symptoms

Inadequate treatment response occurs in approximately 40% of major depressive episodes (MDEs), and one approach to solve this is careful matching of treatment to the specific pathologies of MDE. One such biological abnormality is elevated monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) levels, which occurs in the prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortex (PFC and ACC) during MDE; however, the subtypes for which this abnormality is most prominent are unknown. We hypothesized that MAO-A levels in the PFC and ACC are most elevated in MDE with greater severity and reversed neurovegetative symptoms (hypersomnia and either hyperphagia or weight gain). MAO-A VT (an index of MAO-A density) was measured using [11C]harmine positron emission tomography (PET) in 42 subjects with MDEs secondary to major depressive disorder and 37 healthy controls. The effect of severity and reversed neurovegetative symptoms on MAO-A VT in the PFC and ACC was analyzed using a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). Greater severity and reversed neurovegetative symptoms were associated with elevated MAO-A VT in the PFC and ACC (MANOVA, severity: F(2,38)=5.44, p=0.008; reversed neurovegetative symptoms: F(2,38)=5.13, p=0.01). Increased MAO-A level, when greater severity and reversed neurovegetative symptoms are present, may explain the association of these clinical features with a preferential response to MAO inhibitors, which is especially well-evidenced for reversed neurovegetative symptoms in MDE. As MAO-A creates oxidative stress, facilitates apoptosis, and metabolizes monoamines, therapeutics opposing these processes are predicted to best treat MDE with greater severity and reversed neurovegetative symptoms.
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