Educação para as relações étnico-raciais no ensino de física e astronomia no Brasil: mapeamento da produção em mestrados profissionais (2003-2019)

The present study sought to identify and analyse dissertations and educational products developed under the Professional Masters in Physics and Astronomy Teaching in Brazil, during 2003 to 2019, aiming to offer an overview of the didactic practices concerned with Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations (ERER) taking into acount the Laws 10.639/2003 and 11.645/2008. Using qualitative-interpretative methodologies, we found that only 0.3% of a total of 1262 papers have been concerned with taking discussions inherent to the promotion of ERER to the classroom and, specifically, to the Physics / Science classes. Although currently incipient, we conclude that the Professional Master's Degree, by promoting the recognition and appreciation of the history, culture and identity of historically discriminated groups in Brazil, can be an important agent in the realization of anti-racist education, due to its characteristic of capillarity in the national territory, and with the potential to disseminate the results of the research produced in the area.
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