Comprimento de plântulas e vigor de sementes de soja

EnglishThe differentiation of seedling growth and development is the result of the vigor level of the seed lot. Because of this, knowing the seedling growth curve is essential for the evaluation of the seedling length test, to be carried out at the moment when any differences in vigor really manifest, thus being able to reduce the time of evaluation of the test. In this research, the objective was to determine the most efficient time interval to perform the seedling length test in soybean seeds, depending on the vigor levels. The evaluated characteristics were percentage of seed germination, first germination count, emergency, days for emergence, aerial, root and total length (evaluated every 12 hours), aerial, root and total dry mass in completely randomized design. High vigor seeds originated seedlings with higher growth rates (cm. h-1), with vigor being one of the factors that interfere in the seedling length test. After 96 hours of the seedling length test, there was a statistical differentiation between the three vigor levels tested. The soybean seedling length test between lots, with different vigor, can be performed 96 hours after sowing portuguesA diferenciacao do crescimento e desenvolvimento das plântulas, e resultado do nivel de vigor do lote das sementes. Em virtude disto, conhecer a curva de crescimento das plântulas e fundamental para que a avaliacao do teste de comprimento de plântulas, seja realizada no momento em que realmente se manifestem as eventuais diferencas de vigor, podendo assim reduzir o tempo de avaliacao do teste. No trabalho, o objetivo foi determinar o intervalo de tempo mais eficiente para realizar o teste de comprimento de plântula em sementes de soja, em funcao dos niveis de vigor. As caracteristicas avaliadas foram germinacao, primeira contagem de germinacao, emergencia, dias para emergencia, comprimento de parte aerea, raiz e total (avaliados de 12 em 12 horas), massa seca de parte aerea, raiz e total em delineamento inteiramente casualizado. As sementes de alto vigor originaram plântulas com maiores taxas de crescimento (cm. h-1), sendo o vigor um dos fatores que interfere no teste de comprimento de plântulas. Apos 96 horas do teste de comprimento de plântula ocorreu a diferenciacao estatistica entre os tres niveis de vigor testados. O teste de comprimento de plântula de soja entre lotes, com vigor distinto, pode ser realizado 96 horas apos a semeadura
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