La podcastfera española como comunidad de aprendizaje no formal: Competencias y estrategias educomunicativas desarrolladas por los podcasters independientes

Born in 2004, Spanish independent podcasting has managed to build an online community of communicators and users that can be regarded as an intermediate socialization mechanism that connects individual production with social connection. Through research developed in three phases by applying techniques of ethnographic observation, documentary analysis and in-depth interviews with podcasters, the aim of the study is to build a taxonomy of the set of media and digital competences that podcast makers acquire within this community and how the incorporation of such knowledge is produced. The results of our study show the existence of 7 competence categories that podcasters develop in their dialogical interaction with other members of the community: connectivist skills, tagging, code programming, web production, graphic design, social media management and video production. The strategies they implement to ac-quire these skills are trial and error, the review of third-party tutorials and peer-to-peer learning. These results prove the potential of communities of citizen media production as «connected schools» whose foundations of horizontal communication, permanent discussion and shared knowledge should be integrated by educational institutions.
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