In Vivo Evaluation of Kumazasa Extract and Chitosan Films Containing the Extract against Deep Skin Ulcer Model in Rats

Kumazasa extract (KE) and its whole solid component (EXT)-containing chitosan films produced by drying in air and lyophilization, abbreviated to ND and FD films, respectively, were examined for efficacy and healing features using a deep skin ulcer model in rats. Their effects were compared with those of clinically available dosage forms, Beschitin® W, Geben® cream and U-PASTA. KE alone exhibited a better effect as compared with other preparations, and FD films also more effective than control in the early stage. Histological analysis showed that KE alone reduced necrosis rapidly and accelerated granulation. ND films delayed healing rate as compared with control. FD films showed histological features between control and KE alone, but tended to delay healing rate in the later period. Thus, reduction rate of wound area and histological features suggested that KE alone should be excellent for the promotion of wound healing. Although FD films were less effective than KE alone, they were superior as to usability such as changing the preparation.
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