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Smart face mask detection using ml

After the breakout of the worldwide pandemic COVID-19 There arises a severe need of protection mechanisms, face mask being the primary one The main aim of the project is to detect whether the person is wearing mask on live streaming image as well as on the video The basic concept we used is of transfer learning in neural networks and the final output is to detect the presence or absence of a face mask in a video that is streaming or in an image Till now there is no sufficient application that helps to check for a person wearing face cover or not which is on high demand in many places like transportation means, densely populated areas like schools,malls,airports etc to ensure safety Therefore, this system will be sufficient to detect the face mask on human faces and would drive them to be safe and secure This system can also be used in public places to make the people aware and for their safety purpose © 2021, Annals of R S C B All rights reserved
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