IGC-Laws-21.05 (The Icelandic Gigaword Corpus: Laws, bills and proposals)

[ENGLISH] IGC-Laws is a part of the IGC-project (Icelandic Gigaword corpus) that aims to collect as much as possible of Icelandic texts that can be published under an open or restricted license. IGC-Laws contains 1) the Icelandic laws, 2) explanatory reports and observations extracted from bills submitted to Althingi, and 3) parliamentary proposals and resolutions. The corpus comes in two formats. One contains the texts untokenized and untagged while the other has been tokenized, POS-tagged and lemmatized. [ICELANDIC] IGC-Laws er hluti af IGC-verkefninu (Islenska risamalheildin - Icelandic Gigaword corpus) sem hefur að markmiði að safna eins miklum texta og mogulegt er sem gefa ma ut með opnu eða takmorkuðu leyfi. IGC-Laws inniheldur a) lagasafn Islendinga, 2) greinargerðir og athugasemdir ur alþingisfrumvorpum og 3) alyktanir og tillogur lagðar fram a Alþingi. Malheildin er tviskipt. Annar hluti hennar inniheldur skjol með hreinum texta, an þess að hann hafi verið tokaður. Hinn hlutinn inniheldur textan tokaðan, markaðan og lemmaðan.
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