SIRT1 Contains N- and C-terminal Regions That Potentiate Deacetylase Activity

SIRT1 is one of seven mammalian sirtuin (silent information regulator 2-related) proteins that harbor NAD+-dependent protein deacetylase activity and is implicated in multiple metabolic and age-associated pathways and disorders. The sirtuin proteins contain a central region of high sequence conservation that is required for catalytic activity, but more variable N- and C-terminal regions have been proposed to mediate protein specific activities. Here we show that the conserved catalytic core domain of SIRT1 has very low catalytic activity toward several known protein substrates, but that regions N- and C-terminal to the catalytic core potentiate catalytic efficiency by between 12- and 45-fold, with the N-terminal domain contributing predominantly to catalytic rate, relatively independent of the nature of the acetyl-lysine protein substrate, and the C-terminal domain contributing significantly to the Km for NAD+. We show that the N- and C-terminal regions stimulate SIRT1 deacetylase activity intramolecularly and that the C-terminal region stably associates with the catalytic core domain to form a SIRT1 holoenzyme. We also demonstrate that the C-terminal region of SIRT1 can influence the inhibitory activity of some sirtuin inhibitors that are known to function through the catalytic core domain. Together, these studies highlight the unique properties of the SIRT1 member of the sirtuin proteins and have implications for the development of SIRT1-specific regulatory molecules.
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