Uso de agentes anabolizantes solos o combinados sobre el crecimiento de novillos a pastoreo

40 young steers crossbreed Brahman x Brown Swiss with a initial liveweight average of 284.19 ± 35.03 kg and 17 mo. of age average, they were used in order to evaluate the growth and the live characteristics under conditions of grazing. The treatments were: T1= Control; T2= Zeranol implanted; T3= ATB + 17 β-estradiol implanted and T4= Zeranol plus ATB+17 β-estradiol implanted. The trial lasted 237 d. Analysis of varianza-covarianza was performed using GLM procedure to evaluate daily gain (DG); thoracic circumference (TC); frame size and body type. The final weight was used as covariable. The results indicated that T2, T3 T4 differed of T1 (P 0.05) between treatments. In conclusion, anabolics implants have a positive influence on grazing steers with feed supplements in the finishing stage.
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