Bullying e violência no ambiente escolar: uma revisão de literatura no período de 2015-2019

Objective: To verify publications on bullying and school violence through a bibliographical survey in the period from 2015 to 2019 in periodicals indexed in the SciELO database. Methods: Systematic bibliographic survey in April 2019. Standard for inclusion: original qualitative or quantitative study (non-revision) published in scientific paper format in periodical, carried out in Brazil, full text in Portuguese, teaching area, Qualis A1, A2, B1 or B2 and present data on bullying and violence in the school environment. Results: 166 studies were initially found, excluding 107 studies conducted outside Brazil, 10 in other languages, 7 in the review, and 20 out of the period. Of the 21 resulting from this screening, 9 were selected that correspond to the area Teaching and Qualis A1, A2, B1 or B2. Final considerations: From the analyzed articles, it can be verified that the studies indicate that the cases of bullying influence directly and negatively in the school development as well as in the health of the student, identified the need to produce researches that present and, mainly, analyze the effectiveness of bullying prevention and reduction programs.
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