General monogamy relation of multiqubit systems in terms of squared Rényi-αentanglement

We prove that the squared R\'{e}nyi-$\alpha$ entanglement (SR$\alpha$E), which is the generalization of entanglement of formation (EOF), obeys a general monogamy inequality in an arbitrary $N$-qubit mixed state. Furthermore, for a class of R\'{e}nyi-$\alpha$ entanglement, we prove that the monogamy relations of the SR$\alpha$E have a hierarchical structure when the $N$-qubit system is divided into $k$ parties. As a byproduct, the analytical relation between the R\'{e}nyi-$\alpha$ entanglement and the squared concurrence is derived for bipartite $2\otimes d$ systems. Based on the monogamy properties of SR$\alpha$E, we can construct the corresponding multipartite entanglement indicators which still work well even when the indicators based on the squared concurrence and EOF lose their efficacy. In addition, the monogamy property of the $\mu$-th power of R\'{e}nyi-$\alpha$ entanglement is analyzed.
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