The Longman guide to writing center theory and practice

All sections begin with "Introduction." Forward by Christina Murphy. Preface. A HISTORY OF WRITING CENTERS: LOOKING IN THE REARVIEW MIRROR. Robert H. Moore, The Writing Clinic and the Writing Laboratory. Peter Carino, Early Writing Centers: Toward a History. Judith Summerfield, WritingCenters: A Long View. Joyce Kinkead, The National Writing Center as Mooring: A Personal History of the First Decade. Elizabeth H. Boquet, Our Little Secret: A History of Writing Centers, Pre- to Post-Open Admissions. "THE IDEA OF A WRITING CENTER": BUILDING A THEORETICAL FOUNDATION. Stephen M. North, The Idea of a Writing Center. Stephen M. North, Revisiting 'The Idea of a Writing Center.' Andrea Lunsford, Collaboration, Control, and the Idea of a Writing Center. Eric Hobson, Maintaining Our Balance: Walking the Tightrope of Competing Epistemologies. Christina Murphy, The Writing Center and Social Constructionist Theory. Peter Carino, Theorizing the Writing Center: An Uneasy Task. Terrence Riley, The Unpromising Future of Writing Centers. DEFINING THE WRITING CENTER'S PLACE: ADMINISTRATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL ISSUES. Muriel Harris, Solutions and Trade-Offs in Writing Center Administration. Mark L. Waldo, What Should the Relationship Be between the Writing Center and the Writing Program. Karen Rodis, Mending the Damaged Path: How to Avoid Conflict of Expectations When Setting Up a Writing Center. Jeanne Simpson, Perceptions, Realities, and Possibilities: Central Administration and Writing Centers. Robert W. Barnett, Redefining Our Existence: An Argument for Short- and Long-Term Goals and Objectives. THE PROCESS OF TUTORING: CONNECTING THEORY AND PRACTICE. Kenneth A. Bruffee, Peer Tutoring and the 'Conversation of Mankind.' Jeff Brooks, Minimalist Tutoring: Making the Student Do All the Work. Linda K. Shamoon and Deborah H. Burns, A Critique of Pure Tutoring. Dave Healy and Irene L. Clark, Are Writing Centers Ethical? Jean Keidaisch and Sue Dinitz, Look Back and Say 'So What': The Limitations of the Generalist Tutor. Muriel Harris, Collaboration Is Not Collaboration Is Not Collaboration: Writing Center Tutorials vs. Peer-Response Groups. John Trimbur, Peer Tutoring: A Contradiction in Terms. Christina Murphy, Freud in the Writing Center: The Psychoanalytics of Tutoring Well. Thomas Newkirk, The First Five Minutes: Setting the Agenda in a Writing Conference. Kristen Walker, Difficult Clients and Tutor Dependency: Helping the Overly Dependent Clients Become More Independent Writers. Evelyn Posey, An Ongoing Tutor-Training Program. WELCOMING DIVERSITY: MULTIPLE CULTURES IN THE WRITING CENTER. Marilyn M. Cooper, Really Useful Knowledge: A Cultural Studies Agenda for Writing Centers. Ann DiPardo, 'Whispers of Coming and Going': Lessons From Fannie. Judith Powers, Rethinking Writing Center Conferencing Strategies for the ESL Writer. Julie Neff, Learning Disabilities in the Writing Center. Judith Kilburn, Cultural Diversity in the Writing Center: Defining Ourselves and Our Challenges. WRITINGCENTERSAND WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICULUM: A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP? Ray Wallace, The Writing Center's Role in the Writing across the Curriculum Program: Theory and Practice. Louise Z. Smith, Independenceand Collaboration: Why We Should Decentralize Writing Centers. Mark L. Waldo, The Last Best Place for Writing across the Curriculum: The Writing Center. Muriel Harris, A Writing Center without a WAC Program: The De Facto WAC Center/Writing Center. Michael A. Pemberton, Rethinking the WAC/Writing Center Connection. Christina Murphy and Joe Law, WritingCentersas Infostructures: Relocating Practice within Futurist Theories of Social Change. BEYOND THE PHYSICAL SPACE: TECHNOLOGY IN THE WRITING CENTER. Eric Hobson, Straddling the Virtual Fence. Peter Carino, Computers in the Writing Center: A Cautionary History. Muriel Harris and Michael Pemberton, Online Writing Labs (OWLS): A Taxonomy of Options. Dave Healy, From Place to Space: Perceptual Administrative Issues in the Online Writing Center. David Coogan, Towards a Rhetoric of On-line Tutoring. Irene L. Clark, Information Literacy and the Writing Center.
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