An Adaptive-Threshold Mechanism for Odor Sensation and Animal Navigation

Summary Identifying the environmental information and computations that drive sensory detection is key for understanding animal behavior. Using experimental and theoretical analysis of AWCON, a well-described olfactory neuron in C. elegans, here we derive a general and broadly useful model that matches stimulus history to odor sensation and behavioral responses. We show that AWCON sensory activity is regulated by an absolute signal threshold that continuously adapts to odor history, allowing animals to compare present and past odor concentrations. The model predicts sensory activity and probabilistic behavior during animal navigation in different odor gradients and across a broad stimulus regime. Genetic studies demonstrate that the cGMP-dependent protein kinase EGL-4 determines the timescale of threshold adaptation, defining a molecular basis for a critical model feature. The adaptive threshold model efficiently filters stimulus noise, allowing reliable sensation in fluctuating environments, and represents a feedforward sensory mechanism with implications for other sensory systems.
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