Tarihi Yığma Bir Yapının Lifli Polimerler (FRP) ile Güçlendirme Alternatiflerinin Araştırılması ve Proje Uygulaması

Ozet Tekirdag’da 19.yy sonu neoklasik mimari doneme ait yigma (tas-tugla almasik) iki katli yapinin restorasyon calismalari kapsaminda yapinin lifli polimerler ile guclendirme alternatiflerinin belirlenmesi calismanin esasini olusturmaktadir. Yigma yapilarda karbon esasli lifli polimerler cubuk, kumas ve lamine (serit) seklinde uygulanabilmektedir. Calisma kapsaminda yapinin oncelikle sonlu eleman modeli mevcut haline uyularak olusturulmus; yapi periyotlari ve goreli otelenmeleri belirlendikten sonra yapinin farkli lifli polimer uygulamalariyla dinamik ozelliklerdeki degisimleri incelenmistir. Ayrica yapida kat hizalarinda celik rijitlik elemanlarinin kullanilmasiyla yapi davranisindaki degisim de belirlenmistir. Lifli polimerlerin yigma duvar elemanlara uygulanma yontemleri de calisma kapsaminda arastirilmis ve tipik tarihi yigma yapilarda lifli polimerlerin degisik kombinasyonlarla uygulanabilirligi incelenmistir. Projede epoksi esasli polimer, karbon esasli lifler tercih edilmistir. Calismanin sonucunda 1. derece deprem bolgesinde bulunan tarihi bir yapinin deprem etkisine karsi uygun lifli polimer tercihleriyle yigma yapinin dinamik ozelliklerinin iyilestirilmesi arastirilarak yapi guvenliginin temini saglanmistir. Abstract In the scope of the restoration works of the two-story building belonging to the 19th century neoclassical architectural period in Tekirdag, determining the strengthening alternatives of the structure with fiber reinforced  polymers constitutes the basis of the study. Carbon based fiber reinforced polymers in masonry structures can be applied as rod, fabric and laminated (strip). Within the scope of the study, firstly the finite element model of the building was constructed according to the existing state; After the construction periods and relative displacements were determined, the changes in the dynamic properties of the structure with different fiber reinforced polymer applications were investigated. In addition, changes in the structure behavior were determined by using steel stiffness elements at the floor level. Methods of applying fibrous polymers to masonry wall elements were also investigated in the study and the applicability of fiber reinforced polymers with different combinations in typical historical masonry structures was investigated. In the project, epoxy based polymer and carbon based fibers are preferred. As a result of the study, the structural properties of a historical building located in the 1st degree earthquake zone were investigated by improving the dynamic properties of the masonry structure with suitable fiber reinforced polymer preferences.
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