Primer registro de Nopachtus coagmentatus (Xenarthra, Glyptodontidae) para la Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina. Revisión del género Nopachtus

Nopachtus coagmentatus was recognized by Ameghino in 1888. Holotype comes from Brochero Formation (Montehermosan - Chapadmalalan [early Pliocene - late Pliocene]), near to Villa Cura Brochero (Cordoba). First find of this species for the Catamarca Province is reported. Remains found are described, its provenance detailed and the corresponding stratigraphic log is presented. The mentioned material, came from Salicas Formation, cropping out in the paraje Suri Yaco, consists of 14 osteoderms of the dorsal region of the carapace attributed to N. coagmentatus , 12 complete and 2 fragmented corresponding to the media and posterodorsal region of the carapace. These osteoderms present a central figure surrounded by two row of peripheral figures, and figures that would correspond to a third row, always incomplete. The first row has between 10 and 12 figures and the second between 19 and 22; the figures are pentagonal or, mainly, hexagonal. In turn, all specimens known today for this genus, that included two species, is revised. Until this communication, only two reliable records, and several doubtful were recognized for N. coagmentatus ; while for N. cabrerai Zamorano, Scillato-Yane, Gonzalez Ruiz & Zurita only the holotype was given to known.
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