수박 탄저병 Race 3 저항성 중생종 수박 “한결” 육성

The incidence of Anthracnose causing severe damage to the foliage and fruit in watermelon has increased in some major watermelon producing areas in Korea. To develop anthracnose resistant line, ‘AU-Producer’ having resistant gene to anthracnose was selected from germplasm and crossed with high quality line ‘920533’. Following the initial cross, backrossing and disease screening were performed to select resistant lines that produced high yields with excellent quality fruit. As a results of these procedure, a mid maturing watermelon line, ‘Hangyeol’ with resistance to anthracnose (Colletotrichum orbiculare) race 1 and 3 was developed at the National Institute of Horticultural and Herbal Science, Rural Development Administration (RDA). It has red flesh and commonly produces fruit with clear stripes on skin between 5.3 to 10.1 kg. Average soluble solid contents are ranged from 9.8 to 11.8°Bx. The yield and quality of ‘Hangyeol’ is comparable to or better than those harvested from the popular commercial cultivars. The achievement of this experiment could contribute to provide the resistant parents in an anthracnose resistance breeding program in watermelon.
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