Experimental pathogenicity of mollicutes from bovines with reproductive disorders in rabbit fallopian tube organ culture.

: Mollicutes (10) belonging to Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma isolated from various reproductive disorders were tested in rabbit fallopian tube (FT) organ culture. Parameter for describing pathogenic status of Mollicutes in rabbit FT organ culture included multiplication of organisms, and its effect on ciliary activity along with histopathological changes in FT explants. M. mycoides (LC, Y-Goat), M. bovoculi, M. bovigenitalium, Mycoplasma sp. and A. oculi were categorized as pathogenic; A. axanthum and A. laidlawii as mildly pathogenic; and M. bovis, M. arginini. and A. granularum, as nonpathogenic to rabbit FT organ culture. Thus, rabbit FT organ culture is recommended for use as a suitable and economical in vitro model to assess the pathogenicity of Mollicutes of reproductive tract origin.
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