Incommensurate charge modulation in the hidden-order analogue UPt2Si2.

In 5f-electron systems, interactions with comparable strength compete due to the extended nature of the wavefunction leading to rich variety of exotic ground states. URu2Si2, one of the most researched materials in uranium intermetallic family shows heat capacity anomaly at T$_{HO}$ = 17.5 K, a precursor to an unconventional superconductivity at T$_{c}$ = 1.5 K. The nature of the hidden order parameter responsible for the anomaly is still debated, more than 30 years after its discovery. In the absence of an obvious magnetic order, a strong and coherent magnetic excitation is observed around two distinct wavevectors, the antiferromagnetic wavevector, Q$_{0}$ = (1 0 0), and the incommensurate wavevector, Q$_{1}$ = (0.4 0 0).UPt2Si2, on the other hand, order antiferromagnetically with Q$_{M}$ = (1 0 0) at T$_N$ = 35 K and has long been considered a rare and plain example of uranium intermetallic with strongly localized f-electrons where magnetism can be explained within the crystal level scheme. Nevertheless, around room temperature it too shows a heat capacity anomaly, which has been a long-standing and puzzling mystery. Here, using single crystal neutron and x-ray diffraction we discover that a crystal lattice modulation develops in UPt2Si2 below ~ 320 K. The modulation wavevector, Q$_{mod}$ ~ (0.4 0 0), corresponds to the Fermi surface nesting wavevector of URu2Si2, suggesting that similar Fermi surface driven physics exists in these seemingly different systems. Furthermore, the superlattice Bragg peaks show an anomaly around 200 K where the wavevector is pinned down to an incommensurate position, suggesting a transition from local to Kondo behavior. We thus stipulate the same underlying physics in both materials, where only a subtle perturbation of nearly degenerate competing energy scales leads to different ground states.
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