Human cytomegalovirus miR-US5-1 inhibits viral replication by targeting Geminin mRNA

Viruses commonly create favorable cellular conditions for their survival through multiple mechanisms. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), which function as post-transcriptional regulators, are utilized by human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in its infection and pathogenesis. In the present study, the DNA replication inhibitor Geminin (GMNN) was identified to be a direct target of hcmv-miR-US5-1. Overexpression of hcmv-miR-US5-1 could block the accumulation of GMNN during HCMV infection, and the decrease of GMNN expression caused by hcmv-miR-US5-1 or GMNN specific siRNA reduced HCMV DNA copies in U373 cells. Meanwhile, ectopic expression of hcmv-miR-US5-1 and consequent lower expression of GMNN influenced host cell cycle and proliferation. These results imply that hcmv-miR-US5-1 may affect viral replication and host cellular environment by regulating expression kinetics of GMNN during HCMV infection. Open image in new window
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