A patient with COVID-19 confirmed by 9 times of SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection

At present, the epidemic situation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the world is still a very serious problem, rapid and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 patients is of great significance for the epidemic prevention and disease control. The investigation and diagnosis process of a patient with COVID-19 were summarized in the present study, to provide valuable information for the clinical diagnosis or prevention of COVID-19 and disease control. The patient was a migrant work⁃ er who went to Chongqing and returned to his hometown in Jan. 23, 2020. During his stay in Chongqing, one of the patient’s col⁃ leagues was diagnosis with COVID-19 after he went back to Ziyang from Chongqing, and eight other colleagues were also diag⁃ nosed. Hence, the patient was quarantined and received a nucleic acid test for SARS-COV-2 in Feb. 2. The COVID-19- relat⁃ ed clinical symptoms such as paroxysmal cough, dry cough, and occasional cough with purulent sputum were developed after a few days. So, the expert doctors asked to transfer the patient to Ziyang Hospital, West China Hospital of Sichuan University. The patient received a nucleic acid test for SARS-COV-2 for 9 times although it was positive only in the last time, and the pa⁃ tient was finally diagnosed with COVID-19 in Feb. 21. 摘要: 目前新型冠状病毒肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情在全球蔓延, 形势严峻, 并对全球公共卫生事业构成巨大挑战, 快 速准确的诊断 COVID-19 对疫情的防控有重要意义。本文报道 1 例 COVID-19 患者的调查和确诊过程, 以对 COVID-19 确诊和疫情防控提供有价值的参考。患者为赴渝务工于 2020 年 1 月 23 日返乡人员, 在渝期间, 其同工地的一同事确诊 为 COVID-19, 之后该工地接连有另外 8 位同事被确诊。患者返乡后 2 月 2 日被当地疫情防控单位采取医学隔离。患者 于隔离后不久出现咳嗽, 阵发性, 干咳为主, 偶可咳出黄色痰液等 COVID-19 相关临床症状, 遂被当地新型冠状病毒肺 炎定点医疗单位收治, 后经市级新型冠状病毒肺炎诊治专家组远程视频会诊转入四川大学华西医院资阳医院。患者 先后经历 9 次核酸检测, 在前 8 次核酸检测均为阴性的情况下, 于第 9 次核酸检测结果为阳性, 2 月 21 日最终确诊为新 型冠状病毒肺炎。
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