Deciphering mixotrophic Clostridium formicoaceticum metabolism and energy conservation: Genomic analysis and experimental studies

Abstract Clostridium formicoaceticum , a Gram-negative mixotrophic homoacetogen, produces acetic acid as the sole metabolic product from various carbon sources, including fructose, glycerol, formate, and CO 2 . Its genome of 4.59-Mbp contains a highly conserved Wood-Ljungdahl pathway gene cluster with the same layout as that in other mixotrophic acetogens, including Clostridium aceticum , Clostridium carboxidivorans , and Clostridium ljungdahlii . For energy conservation, C. formicoaceticum does not have all the genes required for the synthesis of cytochrome or quinone used for generating proton gradient in H + -dependent acetogens such as Moorella thermoacetica ; instead, it has the Rnf system and a Na + -translocating ATPase similar to the one in Acetobacterium woodii . Its growth in both heterotrophic and autotrophic media were dependent on the sodium concentration. C. formicoaceticum has genes encoding acetaldehyde dehydrogenases, alcohol dehydrogenases, and aldehyde oxidoreductases, which could convert acetyl-CoA and acetate to ethanol and butyrate to butanol under excessive reducing equivalent conditions.
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