O lazer na humanização hospitalar: diálogos possíveis

RESUMO: Na atualidade, surge a possibilidade de desenvolvimento de acoes ligadas ao lazer dos sujeitos envolvidos com o ambiente hospitalar, sejam eles pacientes, medicos, enfermeiros, assistentes sociais e ate mesmo os acompanhantes. O objetivo deste artigo de revisao e discutir as possibilidades de insercao do lazer no contexto da Humanizacao Hospitalar, tendo em vista identificar quais os possiveis dialogos entre esses dois campos. Como consideracoes finais, entendemos que o lazer pode ser um elemento importante para ampliar as possibilidades de humanizacao hospitalar. A Politica de Humanizacao Hospitalar desenvolvida pelo Ministerio da Saude apresenta varios aspectos que podem incluir a acao no campo do lazer, bem como a atuacao profissional nesse, dentre eles citamos: a valorizacao dos sujeitos, a constituicao de um sistema de saude em redes, a superacao do entendimento de saude enquanto ausencia de doenca, o trabalho interdisciplinar, dentre outros aspectos. LEISURE IN HOSPITAL HUMANIZATION: DIALOGUE POSSIBLE ABSTRACT: Nowardays, there is the possibility of development of actions linked to the leisure of those involved with the hospital, whether patients, doctors, nurses, social workers and even the companions. The purpose of this review article is to discuss the possibilities of integration of leisure in the context of Humanization Hospital in order to identify what the possible dialogues between these two fields. In conclusion, we understand that leisure can be an important element to enlarge the possibilities of humanization hospital. The Hospital Humanization Politics developed by the Ministry of Health has several aspects which may include action on the field of recreation as well as the professional in this, among them we cite: the valuation of the subject, the establishment of a health system networks, overcoming the understanding of health as absence of disease, interdisciplinary work, among other things.
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